I have never worked in a marketing or advertising position, but it would be safe to assume that the speed at which we need to turn out content is comparable to the current expectations. In fact, this course has primed me for even tighter deadlines of 2 to 3 days, instead of the current week-long intervals. The more i think about it, the more I believe it is likely that I will be facing these kinds of deadlines when I really start to work.

This is actually a greater motivation to me. Why? Because I do love to engage myself fully in an occupation and immerse myself in it completely. I have always enjoyed being as one with whatever I am doing. The pulse of the activity and the constant thinking and conceptualizing may be tiring, but it fuels me and keeps me going as well because I always want to take my work to the next level.
The other element that I considered is the idea of standards. This class requires a high level of commitment to upholding a high level of standards in creation,execution and presentation of the advertisement. There is no respite from this demand. It is stressful and difficult to deal with. It can be frustrating and bewildering. Many times, we know not of what to do next.

And yet, this is exactly why I like it.
I believe that when we discipline ourselves and uphold high standards, we will thrive. Maybe not all the time, but that is because we are beginners in this area of advertisement creation. This, to me, is about being able to hold yourself to the highest standards each and every time you step up to the plate. Like a baseball batter, you may not always hit a home run, but you can sure try your damn best to improve with every swing.
What I am saying is: We go through a lot of difficult times in this course. But it is a necessary evil. It is supposed to be difficult so that we become stronger. I believe that what does not kill us will make us stronger and that the adversity we face today is in preparation for greater things ahead.
I believe.